The Financial Value of Brands

Finance in Marketing Library


MASB: Impact of Financial Value of Brands Verified • Meier • Nov 2022
MASB: The Financial Value of Brands Imperative • Meier, Pace, Rao, Findley • June 2021
Strategic Finance: The Financial Value of Brand • Calder Oct 2019
Forbes: Carpe Brand!  Why Marketers Should Seize the Moment, Embrace New Standards • Pace Jun 2019
Newswire: New ISO Brand Evaluation Standard ‘Golden Ticket’ for Brand Owners  May 2018
Forbes: New Global Standards For Reporting Brand Value Can Help CEOs Grow Share Price  Diorio May 2018
Kellogg Insight: What Is a Brand Really Worth?  Calder Apr 2018
ACCA Global:  The Knotty Problem of Brand Valuation  Bendle Sep 2017
JBM: Brand value, accounting standards, and mergers and acquisitions: “The Moribund Effect”  Sinclair/Keller Jan 2017

Universal Marketing Dictionary

brand valuation |   brand evaluation  |  Financial Value of Brand (FVB)  |  ISO 10668 Brand Valuation | The Moribund Effect


Kevin Lane Keller, E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, explains “The Moribund Effect,” a financial accounting issue that makes it difficult to evaluate acquired brands.

Neil Bendle, Associate Professor at the University of Georgia Terry College of Business, discusses where we find ourselves today regarding financial disclosures of intangible assets and explains the Brand Value Accounting Dilemma.

Financial Value of Brands 02: The Influence of Brands on Enterprise Value

Joanna Seddon, former President of Global Brand Consulting at Ogilvy and Chair of the AMA Marketing Hall of Fame, discusses how brand creates value and offers a new way of looking at the financial valuation of brands.

Financial Value of Brands 01: Intro – Brand Value Is at a Tipping Point

Emeritus Professor of Marketing David W. Stewart discusses how a fundamental misunderstanding about the value of marketing minimizes the positive impact marketing has on enterprise value.

The Financial Value of Brands Imperative

At the Wharton Theory and Practice of Marketing Conference, MASB President/CEO Tony Pace explains the vital need for brand owners to value brands monetarily for management purposes.

Brand strategy consultant Joanna Seddon shares her perspective on “brand valuation” and related concepts with MASB President/CEO Tony Pace during MASB Summer Summit 2020, at which Seddon was presented the 2020 Margaret H. Blair Award for Marketing Accountability.

Retired MillerCoors finance executive Jim Meier shares a pragmatic example of how financial brand valuation aids marketing investments.

These and many more videos can also be viewed directly on YouTube’s MASB Channel.

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