Winter Summit 2010 | Chicago

Beyond the Science
March 11-12, 2010
at Starcom MediaVest Group

Thursday, March 11, 9:00AM-5:30PM 

Welcome & Introduction | Stewart, UCR 

Marketing Science Past & Present: P&IMS Conference | Taylor, MSI 
          40 Year Review | Urban, MIT; Lilien, Penn State; Attendees 

Marketing Science Future: Measurement Development & Process Management 
          Characteristics of an “Ideal Metric” | Kuse, The MMAP Center 
          Learning, Process Implications and Application | Gohmann, TNS 
          Long-Term Impact w/Examples | Hanssens, UCLA 

Beyond the Science | Lees, Kimberly Clark 
          Driving Behavior Change Inside Corporations Will Be Essential 

Summary & Call to Action | Blair, MAF/MASB 

Featured Project: Measuring (Forecasting & Improving) Brand Value 
          Methods of Brand Valuation | Fischer, University of Passau 

Featured Project: Measuring (Forecasting & Improving) Interactive Return 
          Internet Measurement: What is Known | Bucklin, UCLA   

Friday, March 12, 8:00AM-Noon

Featured Project: Views from The Street 
          Market Response to Marketing Actions & Stock Price | Mizik, Columbia 

Featured Project: AMA/MASB Common Language, Activities & Metrics 
          Project Background, Overview, Status & Needs | Sirkin, SMG 

Other MASB Projects Underway (Overview, Status, Next Steps & Needs) 
          Measuring Targeting Return for CPG w/CLV | Abens, Foresight ROI 
          Marketing Metrics Catalogue | Kuse 
          MMAP Training & Advisory Services | Kuse 

Housekeeping & Adjourn | Blair