Dubé to Explore Marketing Analytics and A.I.

“Amidst the hype surrounding the potentially disruptive impact of A.I. on marketing analytics, there is a need to set realistic expectations.”

At MASB Spring Summit, Mar. 20-21 at SMU Cox School of Business, Jean-Pierre Dubé from the University of Chicago – Booth School of Business will present “Marketing Analytics in the Age of A.I.

“Current A.I. is still far from the point of replicating the decision-making capabilities of a human who can both learn and reason,” says Dubé. “Instead, current A.I. offers a host of tactical benefits to marketers. To calibrate reasonable expectations, I will explore several use cases of A.I. in real-world marketing decision making with an emphasis on optimization and accountability.”

Dubé is the James M. Kilts Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing at the Booth School of Business. He is also director of the Kilts Center for Marketing there, a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and an academic fellow at the Marketing Science Institute. From 2008‐2010, he was a research consultant for the Yahoo! Microeconomics Research group. He has been working as a research consultant with Amazon since 2018.

Professor Dubé is an applied micro-economist with research interests at the intersection of quantitative marketing and industrial organization. His work studies pricing, advertising, branding, digital marketing, retailing, nutrition, and the dynamics of consumer and firm decision-making. His work has been published in the The American Economic ReviewEconometricaThe Journal of Economic Theory, The Journal of Marketing ResearchThe Journal of Political EconomyManagement ScienceMarketing ScienceQuantitative Marketing and Economics, the Quarterly Journal of Economics and The Rand Journal of Economics. He is currently Department Editor at Management Science, and has previously served as an area/associate editor for The Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. 

He currently teaches an MBA course on pricing strategies that, following from his research and professional experience, is designed to teach students how to apply marketing models and analytics to develop pricing strategies in practice.

To participate in MASB Spring Summit 2025, request an invitation from [email protected].