Financial Value of Brands Imperative Available to Academics

MASB, the Marketing Accountability Standards Board, is offering its recently published The Financial Value of Brands Imperative: Why Brands Must Be Valued in Financial Terms at a discounted academic use rate: $495 for 1,000 students. There is no duration limit so this use can be spread across classes/semesters/years until the 1,000-student limit is met. The 42-page paper can be distributed electronically and/or reproduced in printed form.

With four distinguished authors and two dozen contributors, the FVB Imperative contends that brand-centric enterprises need an internal methodology to annually measure, explain and report the Financial Value of Brands to the executive level – even in the absence of any external regulatory or accounting requirements – to demonstrate the material contribution of brands to the overall value of the enterprise. Traditional brand valuation efforts are not enough. The FVB process can and must be used as a management decision-making tool with the end goal of enhancing enterprise value. Summaries of valuation services provided by several leading measurement providers are included.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Brand Investment & Valuation Initiative
  3. The Sustainable Financial Advantage of Strong Brands
  4. Financial Outcome Research and Case Studies
  5. Direct Evidence of the Role of FVB on Stock Performance
  6. The Evolving Thinking on Marketing’s Financial Value Drivers
  7. The Fifth Driver – Optionality
  8. The Brand Value Accounting Dilemma
  9. Frequently Encountered Obstacles
  10. Emerging Best Practices
  11. The Path Forward
  12. FVB Pilot Program Participation
    Appendix A: Some Notes on the Measurement of Brand ‘Equity’ and Brand ‘Value’
    Appendix B: Financial Value of Brands Measurement Provider Summaries
    Appendix C: Select Terms from the Common Language Marketing Dictionary
    Appendix D: Financial Value of Brands Process infographic


Academic institutions can become leaders in the Marketing Accountability movement by joining MASB. For $667 per year, membership includes the use of the FVB Imperative paper as well as other MASB Finance in Marketing Education materials within classes, plus participation on our visionary project teams and invitation to our bi-annual summits. Contact [email protected] to pursue the future of marketing accountability!