Measuring Creativity Panel to Address Strategy for Creative Impact

Creative strategy and accounting for creative impact will be the subject of the Measuring Creativity panel at MASB Winter Summit on March 6.

Moderated by Kerry Benson, Creative Solutions Lead at Kantar, the panel will include David Kimmett, Director of Advertising Messaging and Retail Insights at AT&T, Greg Pharo, Global Senior Director of Communications & Marketing Effectiveness for The Coca-Cola Company, Peter Weedfald, Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing for SHARP Home Appliances & TV Consumer Electronics, and Orlando Wood, Chief Innovation Officer at System 1 Group and author of the book, Lemon. How the advertising brain turned sour.

MASB Winter Summit 2024 happens March 6, 9 AM to Noon and 1 PM to 4 PM ET, on Zoom. Participation is free for MASB members and just $49 for non-members. Request an invitation from [email protected].

Thanks to our event sponsor KANTAR!