The Common Language Marketing Dictionary defines marketing accountability as the use of metrics to link a firm’s marketing actions to financially relevant outcomes and growth over time.
MASB, the Marketing Accountability Standards Board, brings together marketers, measurement and media providers, industry associations and business academics for the common goal of increasing the contribution of the marketing function through the development of accountable marketing standards and practices that drive business growth.
The MASB Board is comprised of a chair and directors who are senior marketing scientists and finance professionals from constituent organizations who collectively represent diverse backgrounds, possess knowledge of marketing measurement and have concern for the marketing community as a whole.
The Role of MASB
MASB is the operating organization delegated authority by the Marketing Accountability Foundation (MAF) to establish standards and processes necessary for evaluating marketing measurement in a manner that insures credibility, validity, transparency and understanding.
MASB will delve into the practices underlying the development and management of ideal measures as well as those practices utilized to create knowledge, determine causality, and apply to process management for improved return.
Precepts of Conduct
MASB Directors operate according to the following precepts of conduct:
- Be open and objective in decision making
- Weigh carefully the needs and views of constituency
- Promulgate standards when:
- Logical flow of the argument is tight
- Empirical support material is convincing
- Conclusions are managerially meaningful
- Scientific evidence pros and cons are acknowledged
- Benefits exceed costs
- Ensure transparency of the standards setting activity through open due process
- Assure output is understandable among practitioners
- Bring about needed change while minimizing disruption
- Review effects of past decisions (interpret, amend, replace)