The Big Deal about Big Data and AI for Marketers

Big Data presentationBig Data, characterized by 5Vs – volume, variety, velocity, veracity and value – has been around for over a decade. Many marketing organizations have jumped on the big data bandwagon and attempted to leverage big data with limited success.

The uncomfortable truth is that much of big data is not valuable. However, it takes a lot of learning for firms to figure this out. Accountability is key to generating value. With the potentially game-changing nature of generative artificial data (AI) built on Big Data, how can marketers strategically leverage big data and AI to make marketing more accountable?

At MASB Spring Summit on April 13, Venky Shankar will answer this question with some use cases and deliver the key takeaways.  Shankar is Professor of Marketing and Ford Chair in Marketing & E-Commerce and Director of Research at the Center for Retailing Studies, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. His areas of specialization include Digital Business, Marketing Strategy, Innovation, New Product Management, Retailing, Services Marketing, Pricing, International Marketing, Branding, Mobile Marketing, and Artificial Intelligence.

Join the marketing accountability thought leaders at MASB Spring Summit, Demonstrating the Business Value of Marketing, taking place via Zoom on April 13, 2023, 11 AM – 3 PM ET. Contact [email protected] to request an invitation.