Bendle on Valuing Sustainability Investments

On Sep. 25, Neil Bendle, Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Georgia and MASB Director, presented the webinar, Demonstrating the Value of Sustainability Investments

Marketing accountability provides a useful way to help demonstrate the value of investments in sustainability. Sustainability and marketing share many similar challenges in demonstrating their importance. For example, both marketing and sustainability investments often have long-term paybacks which are hard to estimate. Investments in marketing and sustainability may generate intangible assets which financial accounting does not do a good job of measuring. This lack of measurement often leads to problems in connecting the result of the investment with the investment. Bringing the techniques of marketing accountability to sustainability offers the promise of financially justifying investments that can drive better outcomes for people and the planet while providing a clear path to profitability.

This was the fifth episode in our Making Marketing Accountable webinar series, featuring the visionaries elevating the role of the CMO and Marketing through financial accountability. For updates on these and other events, JOIN OUR MAIL LIST.