CEO Perspective on 2024

MASB has had an extremely successful year. As December draws to a close, we are overwhelmed!

MASB CEO Joanna Seddon

Our goal for 2024 was to make our vision a reality. As the year progressed, the need to elevate the CMO to their rightful place in the boardroom by making marketing accountable has become increasingly obvious and urgent. Only 42% of Fortune 500 companies still have the CMO title! Marketing is being pushed down the organization, often reporting to the Chief Commercial Officer (Sales).

MASB’s initiatives strike a chord with marketers, agencies and academics, and everyone is invited to join!

We are moving forward fast, though never fast enough. Standout accomplishments by the MASB team and members include:

  • Our Summer Summit featured outstanding content and was hosted by Rutgers in their futuristic business school. Be sure to access our Summit videos. Preparations for Spring Summit 2025 March 20-21 at SMU Cox School in Dallas are under way, and it’s going to be great!
  • Publication of the MASB book Sponsorship Accountability, available on Amazon, represents several years of work by the project team. Contact Erich, [email protected], for quantity discounts.
  • Welcoming new members, including Mondeléz International, 7 Eleven, Carma Labs, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Reddify and Quantum Sight.  And new initiative team members, who now include companies ranging from Visa and CVS Health to Coca-Cola and Prudential.
  • Partnerships with international associations, including WARC, the IPA and INTA (35,000 members in over 100 countries) and the participation of organizations from Germany, France, the UK, Australia, China and Singapore as well as active collaboration with the ANA, ARF, MMA and many other U.S. organizations.

Our priority initiative teams are taking action. Measuring Creativity has defined creativity (no small task), established metrics and a framework for measuring its impact and is now in the testing phase. Demonstrating the Economic Impact of Investment in Marketing has created an approach and is ready to pilot it. Pam Forbus is leading the all-important Marketing Organization workstream tackling the crucial question of marketing’s role.

And there is enormous, growing enthusiasm for MASB marketing metrics audit and certification. Kantar has just been published, 6 more are underway.

The Universal Marketing Dictionary is regularly referenced in Google searches and has more than 30,000 monthly users. We’re scrambling to keep up to date in this rapidly changing world and are adding new terms every month.

Many thanks to all the people working like crazy on all of this. We need more of you! A couple of our lynch pin experts have had to cut back, because of illness or family events. We need more help, especially on Metrics assessments and the Dictionary. It’s fascinating and rewarding.

MASB exists by and for its members. This is a collective effort. We urge you all to reach out and participate!

Joanna Seddon