A MASB Director (2010–2011) and founding Advisory Council member (2011), Jerry Wind is the Lauder Professor at the Wharton School, the Director of SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management, and the Academic Director of The Wharton Fellows Program. Internationally known for pioneering research on organizational buying behavior, market segmentation, conjoint analysis, and marketing strategy, he consults with major firms and lectures in universities around the world.
Professor Wind is the founding Editor of Wharton School Publishing, has served in editorial positions for top marketing journals, and published over 250 articles and 20 books. His numerous awards include the four major marketing awards. He has been elected to the first cohort of Marketing Fellows of the AMA. He was selected as one of the 10 Legends in Marketing, with an eight-volume anthology of his work published in 2014 by Sage. His current research focuses on the Network Challenge; reinventing advertising; creativity and innovation; and challenging our mental models.
Professor Wind received his PhD from Stanford University and his MA and BS degrees from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.