Accounting for Brands

How do you attach a price tag to something you can’t see or touch? This question was posed recently by corporate finance writer Vipal Monga in his article, “Accounting’s 21st Century Challenge: How to Value Intangible Assets.” He continues: …

Measuring Brand Strength

MASB member MSW•ARS Research has launched The Brand Strength Monitor, “a game changing deliverable of an established, trusted, and independently validated measure of brand value.” The Brand Strength Monitor methodology is behavioral but isolates brand strength by holding other factors …

MAF President’s 2016 Prediction

Research Business Report’s 20th Annual Predictions Issue features Marketing Accountability Foundation (MAF) President Meg Blair’s forecast for 2016: “Over the next year, … CFOs and CMOs will use a new brand investment and valuation model to monetize the impact and return of …

Brand Valuation Model Completed

MASB Summer Summit 2015 An empirically proven model for brand valuation and guiding investment decisions has been completed by MASB’s Brand Investment Valuation Project. “It definitely has been a long haul,” commented Frank Findley, Vice President of R&D for MSW•ARS Research, as …