Kevin Keller Defines “Brand”

The MASB Finance in Marketing Course Project is producing a series of videos on financial issues that influence marketing strategy. In this segment, Dartmouth College Marketing professor Kevin Lane Keller explains the difference between a brand and a Brand. The …

A New Design for MASB

A new design has been created to graphically represent the Marketing Accountability Standards Board. It depicts the marketing sphere as a circle with MASB at center, bringing together the sphere’s three elements: marketers, marketing academics and marketing measurement providers. Marketing …

ANA/MASB Report Says Sponsorship Measurement Needs Improving

Marketing expenditures on sponsorship have increased considerably over the past several years, but progress in measuring and assessing sponsorship’s business impact has been marginal, according to Improving Sponsorship Accountability Metrics, a new study conducted by the ANA (Association of National Advertisers) …