Financial Value of Brands (FVB) Project

The Financial Value of Brands (FVB) Project was created in 2020 as the merger of the Financial Reporting of Customer and Brand (FRCB) Project (formerly Improving Financial Reporting ) and the Brand Investment and Valuation (BIV) Project, as the two projects were converging on similar agendas.


Demand intangibles are not well reported & Marketing’s role in generating cash flows is obscure.


Generate practical guidance for financially valuing marketing outcomes and in so doing encourage adherence to ISO 20671 for regular brand evaluation.


Publish illustrative case studies and proactively assist brand owners in developing their specific financial valuation approach. Demonstrate the connection of marketing to cash flows, particularly the linkages between customer franchise, brand preference, core sales, and profits.


Brand owners will systematically monitor the financial value of their brands and the corresponding drivers and, at some point, consider reporting this material information as appropriate.


In June 2021, the project published The Financial Value of Brands Imperative: Why Brands Must Be Valued in Financial Terms, recommending that brand-centric enterprises develop an internal methodology to annually measure, explain, and report the Financial Value of Brands to the executive level, even in the absence of any external regulatory or accounting requirements.

In November 2022, Impact of Financial Value of Brands verified that the passage of time had only further reinforced the positions and conclusions in the original publication.

In February 2023, the project – with numerous contributing experts – launched the Financial Value of Brands video series.