MASB Summit Presentations [Members Only]

MASB Summit presentations are available to MASB MEMBERS ONLY.

Summer Summit 2024 | Rutgers Business School
Driving Growth through Marketing Accountability

Winter Summit 2024 | Remote
Boosting Marketing Effectiveness Through Leading-Edge Technology

Summer Summit 2023 | Marquette University
Proving Marketing’s Economic Impact

Spring Summit 2023 | Remote
Demonstrating the Business Value of Marketing

Fall Summit 2022 | Columbia Business School & Remote
Elevating the Role of the CMO

Spring Summit 2022 | Remote
Designing a New CMO Role, Implementing ISO Brand Evaluation Standards

Fall Summit 2021 | New York NY & Remote
Realtime Marketing, CMO Role & Tenure, NIL+I Sponsorship, and Digital Marketing Accountability

Winter Summit 2021 | Remote
Marketing on the Leading Edge: Trends in Financial Brand Value, Engagement and Sponsorship

Summer Summit 2020 | Remote
Brand Valuation – Sponsorship & Engagement

Winter Summit 2020 | New York NY
Where Marketing Activities Meet Financial Return

Summer Summit 2019 | Chicago IL
Carpe Brand!

Winter Summit 2019 | San Diego CA
Establishing and Advancing Accountable Marketing Practices the Drive Business Growth

Summer Summit 2018 | Boston MA
Proving Marketing’s Value/The Accountable CMO

Winter Summit 2018 | New Orleans LA
Accountability in Sponsorship Measurement and Digital Advertising

Summer Summit 2017 | Boston MA
Bringing Brand into the Boardroom

Winter Summit 2017 | Orlando Fl
Aligning Finance and Marketing

Summer Summit 2016 | Atlanta GA
Leading Practices for Continuous Improvement in Return

Winter Summit 2016 | Islamorada FL
Changing the Game for Marketing Accountability

Summer Summit 2015 | Chicago IL
Applying Science of Measurement to Art of Marketing Under Umbrella of Governance

Winter Summit 2015 | San Antonio TX
The Marketing Accountability Journey: Continuous Financial Improvement

Summer Summit 2014 | Chicago IL
Applying the Science of Measurement & Process Mgmt to the Art of Marketing II

Winter Summit 2014 | Orlando FL
Applying the Science of Measurement & Process Mgmt to the Art of Marketing

Summer Summit 2013 | Boston MA
Marketing & Finance Agree on Measurement for Creating Value II

Winter Summit 2013 | Las Vegas NV
Across Industry, Marketing & Finance Agree on Measurement for Creating Value

Summer Summit 2012 | Chicago IL
Marketing & Finance are Aligning On Measurement Standards for Return

Winter Summit 2012  | St Petersburg FL
Generally Accepted Brand Investment & Valuation Standards II

Summer Summit 2011  | Chicago IL
Generally Accepted Brand Investment & Valuation Standards

Winter Summit 2011  |  Austin TX
Marketing & Finance Are Aligned: Moving Forward to Change the Game

Summer Summit 2010  |  Boston MA
Moving from the First 3 Years (Start-Up) to the Next 3 Years (Game Changers)

Winter Summit 2010 | Chicago IL
Beyond the Science

Summer Summit 2009 | Chicago IL
Current State, Future State & Role of MASB

Summer Summit 2008 | Chicago IL
The Accountability Journey and Points of View

Winter Summit 2008 | Islamorada FL
MASB Projects and Emerging Issues

Summer Summit 2007 | Chicago IL
MASB Kick-off

Winter Summit 2007 | Islamorada FL
The Boardroom Project/ANA Meeting